
欧宝娱乐app offers eight different degree path options, each with its unique 课程设置和毕业要求. 点击下面的每个标题 查看具体的学位审核工作表.


The general college degree path is strong in the humanities that provides an appropriate foundation for senior degrees such as but not limited to sociology, psychology, English, journalism, language, religion, history, humanities, philosophy, and liberal arts. 毕业要求 包括至少60个学时和至少2.0 累积平均绩点


The general science degree path has an underlying humanities basis that provides an appropriate foundation for senior degrees such as but not limited to pre-med, chemistry, biology, environmental science, astronomy, nutritional sciences, and mathematics. 毕业要求 包括至少60个学时和至少2.0 累积平均绩点.


欧宝娱乐app designed the business degree path for students interested in business careers such as but not limited to accounting, finance, marketing, human resources 管理和创业. 课程要求包括强大的文科 emphasis with required business courses in accounting, economics, statistics, professional 开发和商业选修课. 毕业要求包括 60个学时,至少2.0累积绩点.


农业研究 explores the principles and practices related to the cultivation 种植,饲养牲畜,以及可持续的耕作方法. 该计划提供 students with a foundational understanding of crop production, food production and processing, animal conservation, crop management, and agricultural business.  这 program will prepare the student for careers in the agricultural industry by instructing the student on how to properly grow and harvest plants and animals into a sustainable 供人食用和零售的食物来源. 学生获得现实世界的技能 and knowledge to tackle challenges in modern farming, highlighting sustainable and 对环境负责的做法.

The Job Outlook for 农业研究 majors in the United States of America is 5% growth between now and 2032, which is faster than the national average of 3%. 学生 who are interested in 农业研究 are advised to transfer into Agricultural Science, Animal Science, Biology, Chemistry, 环境科学, or Food Science 当他们完成欧宝娱乐app学院的学位时. 毕业要求 包括至少60个学时和至少2.0累积绩点.


环境科学 studies the areas of life, physical and earth science that address 环境问题.  本节目探讨了环境面临的问题 制定基于科学的决议.  本课程侧重于理解和解决问题 issues by examining the interaction of physical, chemical, and biological factors in the environment, and assessing the impact on organisms, including humans.  

The Job Outlook for 环境科学 majors in the United States of America is 从现在到2032年增长6%. 这一比例高于全国平均水平 of 3%. 学生是 interested in 环境科学 are advised to transfer into Agricultural Science, Forensic Science, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, or Food Science 当他们完成欧宝娱乐app学院的学位时. 毕业要求 包括至少60个学时和至少2.0 累积平均绩点.


健康科学 is the study of the fitness, health, or medicinal care for individuals 或者那些生病或不健康的人. 本研究探讨关怀的基本原理 在医疗领域的广泛范围内的人. 在这个项目中,学生将有所收获 real-world skills and knowledge to perform detailed research of various types of illnesses and diseases as well as research concerning critical care for individuals.  

The Job Outlook for 健康科学 majors in the United States of America is 14% to 1从现在到2032年增长6%, which is faster than the national average of 3%. 北 Carolina has a high concentration of jobs in the 健康科学s. 学生 are interested in 健康科学 are advised to transfer into 健康 Education, Medical Services, and 健康 Services programs after they complete their degree at Louisburg 大学. 毕业要求 包括至少60个学时和至少2.0 累积平均绩点.


医学科学 is the study of the maintenance of health and the deterrence and healing 的疾病.  这 study concentrates on the science of health and the workings of 人体.  在这个项目中,学生将获得现实世界的技能和知识 to examine 人体 and its functions by studying biology, anatomy and physiology, 和化学.

The Job Outlook for 医学科学 majors in the United States of America is 10% growth between now and 2032, which is faster than the national average of 3%. 北 卡罗来纳州医学科学领域的工作高度集中. 学生是 interested in 医学科学 are advised to transfer into Biochemistry, Epidemiology, 健康 Education, Microbiology, Medicine, and Veterinary Science programs after they 完成他们在欧宝娱乐app学院的学位. 毕业要求 包括至少60个学时和至少2.0 累积平均绩点.


体育科学 is the study of how 人体 moves performing physical activity 和体育.  这 program uses science to assist with body performance and endurance to prepare for competitions while reducing the possibility of injury.  体育科学 identifies the strengths and weaknesses within a training program to customize it 运动员,非运动员,以及所有介于两者之间的人.  学生在此学习 program will learn how 人体 responds to physical activity and specialized 运动.

The Job Outlook for 体育科学 majors in the United States of America is 10% to 14% growth between now and 2032, which is faster than the national average of 3%. 北 Carolina has a high 就业 level in the area of 体育科学s. 学生 who are interested in 医学科学 are advised to transfer into Athletic Training, 健康 Education, Occupational Therapy,  Physical Therapy, Respiratory Therapy, and Recreational Science programs after they 完成他们在欧宝娱乐app学院的学位.  毕业要求 包括至少60个学时和至少2.0 累积平均绩点.